Monday, July 12, 2010

Centrifuge -- Day Five: "Commitment"

I pulled down the handle to dispense some Trix into my bowl.  This is when I discovered that the dispenser chute for the Trix was about the diameter of a truck tire.  So, larger than the diameter of my bowl.  I should have had a clue from the mounds of Trix on the table top and the crunchy sound under my feet.  As if in slow motion, I realized that I actually had to raise the handle back up to stop the eruption of little multi-colored sugar/corn-or-a-grain-of-some-sort  things. 

Since I was now standing in ankle-deep Trix, and my bowl was buried somewhere in the Trix hill, I determined that my best bet to retain some particle of dignity was to act like it never happened and slide quietly to the next cereal station, bobbing my head to some imaginary Hip-Hop song while reaching for another bowl.  I'm pretty sure it worked.  That's when I noticed, for the first time this week, that the kitchen crew at Union had added Cap'n Crunch to the menu!  With Crunchberries!  I determined at this point that Union University would, indeed, turn out some of the finest Christian leaders our country has ever known.  Bless them.

Friday.  The last full day of Centrifuge.  I'm beginning to realize that this week has actually gone by more quickly than I imagined it would.  If I feel that way, I can imagine how the kids must be feeling.

Today was jam-packed with a flurry of activity and a blur of teenagers making the most of this last full day.  More Interesting Eggs, bacon, grits, french toast sticks, gallons of syrup, and cereal; another morning of "Peel...the orange...Peel, peel, the orange" from the Morning Show crew to wake everyone up; another update from "Margaret Marjorie" and her friend "Dictionary Dan" (AH-HA-HA-HAA!  The kids can explain that one for you.); yet another installment of the very well-done series, "Adventure Now!", a video movie/show produced by Centrifuge and Lifeway to bring home the theme and daily focus; another quick illusion/trick from Sammy Knuckles, and then a mass exodus as everyone goes their own way to their recreation time and Bible study group.

Today's theme is "Commitment".  Part of the Bible study focus today was centered around Jeremiah 29:11-14.  This scripture became very important to me into the fourth month of a 9 month layoff I experienced during the down-turn in the economy in January 2009.  I was attending "Toward Wonder", a worship arts seminar at Willow Creek in the Chicago area.  My prospects for employment weren't looking good at that time, which put me in the same lifeboat as many, many other people.  In the bookstore at Willow Creek, I found a Bible bag (sort of a man purse...a "Murse" if you will...or a European Man Bag) to carry my Bible and various other notebooks, pens, phones, etc.  So, yeah, okay, a purse.  Anyway, imprinted on the bag was this scripture: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11

That was a turning point in my outlook concerning my future.  But you have to read the rest of the passage to get the full effect: "12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile."

See, continuing on when you don't feel like it requires something from us: commitment.  It requires some effort on my part.  "Call upon me..."   "Come and pray to me..."  "Seek me..."  Sometimes, we just don't want to go on.  It's easier to quit.   But we will find that, as the adult Bible study guide for the week says, "Follow-through and dedication to fulfill our calling are essential to experiencing the full life God intends for us."

Tonight, the kids' levels of commitment to winning were put to the test during the "Mega Relay" competition.  This is difficult to explain.  It's group against group, defined by Bible study groups (not church), and pitted against each other in physical tests of----well, weirdness.  Run as fast as you can, spin around a pool noodle 5 times as fast as you can, change direction, spin around 5 times, run back to the group as fast you can; Run as fast as you can as a group, holding hands, to a point, pile up on each other and have a bucket of water poured on you. . .it's like that.  And it is very competitive.  Teams have team flags, colors, and lots of face paint.  It's huge.  And it's awesome to watch!   And it's safe.  I'm sure it's safe. . . . . .It might not be safe.  But, the kids and the adults go crazy trying to help their respective teams.  Everyone's a winner.  But not everyone wins.
Last full day of Centrifuge.  How is it that am finding it sad that it's going to be over tomorrow?!  And just when I found the Cap'n Crunch---with Crunchberries!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an absolutely wonderful time of fun and revival, really. Why is it that kids equate fun with weird stuff, most of the time! I enjoyed your commentary on one of my favorite passages, and I'm going to share this piece with my granddaughter Tory, as she and I have discussed verse 11, and it's insightful to see what follows that verse.

    Thanks for sharing these reports. They have been uplifting and inspiring. And funny.
